Our People : Bob Brandes

Our People : Bob Brandes

Meet Bob, our Key Account Representative and Plastics Additives Group Manager as he shares his passion for cooking and his amazing experience at ChemSpec.

Introduce yourself...When and why did you join ChemSpec? What made you consider joining us? 

My name is Bob Brandes.  I am a Key Account Representative and Plastics Additives Group Manager.  I joined ChemSpec in June 2021 with 30 years of chemical distribution experience in thermoplastics additives and compounds. The opportunity to help develop ChemSpec’s activity in the Thermoplastics market was a key factor in taking on my role. 

What is something curious or funny we should know about you?  

While growing up I worked in restaurants during the summers and became a very good line cook.  My friends and family always look forward to me preparing my favourite meals including my seafood specialities like New England Clam Chowder, Baked Stuffed Clams, and Lobster Rolls among many others. 

I think that all of the people that work at ChemSpec love being a part of the team here which has a lot to do with excellent leadership and respect among employees.

What is your favourite story from your time at ChemSpec? 

One of my favourite experiences was during my trip to New Philadelphia for my orientation and I went to dinner with John Stephenson and his 4 children.  There was more food under the table than on top of it. 

What is the one main takeaway candidate wanting to join ChemSpec should know and look forward to?  

I think that all of the people that work at ChemSpec love being a part of the team here which has a lot to do with excellent leadership and respect among employees.

Describe ChemSpec in 5 words: 

Committed, Respectful, Focused, Energetic, Family. 

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