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Safic-Alcan releases its 2020 Sustainability Report

22nd of July 2021

Safic-Alcan, a global specialty chemicals distributor, is pleased to publish its second Sustainability report “The Durable Link: Moving Forward”. This report introduced...

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In 2023, Safic-Alcan’s 35 global offices and its 809 staff (59% of whom are women), generated EUR 910 million in turnover.

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Discover Safic-Alcan’s Walking Challenge for Humanity & Inclusion

At Safic-Alcan, we are excited to announce the launch of our Walking Challenge SAFIC'OLYMPICS, inspired by the spirit and determination of the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This initiative is not...

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Safic-Alcan France awarded 2024 ECOVADIS Platinum for sustainability.

Paris, France - April 10, 2024, Safic-Alcan France proudly announces its latest achievement in sustainability excellence with the ECOVADIS 2024 rating of 80/100 and its ranking among the Top 1% of...

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Eurotec and Safic-Alcan: Introducing Sustainable Practices in the Plastics Industry

As the global conversation on sustainability gains momentum, industries across the board are reassessing their practices to align with environmental goals. Among these, the plastics industry...

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