Our People : Kelly Canavaugh

She's our Supply Chain Analyst and a Professional Skater. Get to know Kelly.
Introduce yourself...When and why did you join ChemSpec? What made you consider joining us?
My name is Kelly Cavanaugh, I joined ChemSpec in December 2021 as a Supply Chain Analyst. I joined ChemSpec after interviewing and researching, deciding what a quality company ChemSpec was both in their market and in their management.
What is something curious or funny we should know about you? (your hobbies, passions, etc.)
I am a gold medalist in roller skating, skating competitively for over 16 years, and I love to garden.
What is your favourite story from your time at ChemSpec?
Travelling to New York with my bosses on the first week of my employment, basically having 6 hours each way of dedicated attention, getting to know each other, asking all kinds of questions and more importantly learning about the business.
What is the one main takeaway candidate wanting to join ChemSpec should know and look forward to?
ChemSpec is a great company to work for. They are truly a team. Cross-training and development are important to them. They care about you and your quality of life and your family.
Describe ChemSpec in 5 words:
ChemSpec is a top-notch operation.