Our People : Lou Anne Weekley

Meet Lou Anne, former Zumba Instructor as she shares her interesting view on the industry she has found herself in the last two years.
Introduce yourself...When and why did you join ChemSpec? What made you consider joining us?
I am Lou Anne Weekley and I joined ChemSpec in December 2021 as Supply Chain / Logistics Lead. Through various community activities, I was introduced to some employees of the ChemSpec Team, where I learned of an upcoming opportunity in Supply Chain. This seemed like the perfect fit – challenging, yet personally rewarding. I appreciated how a growing company (management-owned) still maintained a family culture.
What is something curious or funny we should know about you? (your hobbies, passions, etc.)
Pre-Covid, I was a Zumba instructor and taught classes on a weekly basis. I love to travel, and I love playing various card games.
What is your favourite story from your time at ChemSpec?
During Feet Week in 2021, our team had a competitive streak, and we were determined to get our steps in daily. One evening we were trying to get in extra steps for the day and we were all sending funny videos back and forth showing how we were relentlessly getting in our steps.
What is the one main takeaway candidate wanting to join ChemSpec should know and look forward to?
Very motivated, highly energetic team atmosphere where everyone is willing to work together to get the job done.
Describe ChemSpec in 5 words:
Growth, Innovative, Passionate, Responsible, Team